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Air quality advisory for much of western Oregon, southwest Washington


Location: Benton, Clackamas, Columbia, Coos, Douglas, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Washington and Yamhill counties, plus southwest Washington.

End date: Varies by county

Smoke source: Cedar Creek fire near Oakridge and fires in southwest Washington

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Lane Regional Air Protection Agency issued an air quality advisory Friday for Benton, Clackamas, Columbia, Coos, Douglas, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Washington and Yamhill counties due to smoke from the Cedar Creek fire and fires in southwest Washington.

The Washington Southwest Clean Air Agency also has an advisory active for the five counties in southwest Washington.

The following areas are affected:
  • Clackamas, Columbia, Douglas, Lane, Multnomah and Washington counties, plus southwest Washington, through the weekend and likely into next week.
  • Benton, Marion, Linn, Polk, and Yamhill counties starting Sunday and into next week.
  • Coos County through Saturday night.
At this time, Deschutes, Klamath and Lake counties have been removed from the advisory due to improving conditions.

Smoke levels can change rapidly depending on weather. Check current conditions on the Oregon Smoke Information Blog, DEQ’s Air Quality Index, or by downloading the free OregonAIR app on your smartphone.

Smoke can irritate the eyes and lungs and worsen some medical conditions. People most at risk include infants and young children, people with heart or lung disease, older adults and pregnant people.

Protect yourself and your family when smoke levels are high:
  • Stay inside if possible. Keep windows and doors closed. If it’s too hot, run air conditioning on recirculate or consider moving to a cooler location.
  • Avoid strenuous outdoor activity.
  • Use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in indoor ventilation systems or portable air purifiers. Or create your own air purifying filter by following these instructions.
  • Be aware of smoke in your area and avoid places with the highest levels.
  • When air quality improves to moderate or healthy (yellow or green on the Air Quality Index), open windows and doors to air out homes and businesses.
  • If you have a breathing plan for a medical condition, be sure to follow it and keep any needed medications refilled.
Cloth, dust and surgical masks don’t protect from the harmful particles in smoke. N95 or P100 respirators approved by NIOSH may offer protection, but they must be properly selected and worn. Select a NIOSH-approved respirator with a N, R or P alongside the number 95, 99 or 100. Learn how to put on and use a respirator. Respirators won’t work for children as they don’t come in children’s sizes. People with heart or lung conditions should consult their health care provider before wearing a respirator.

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Siouxon Fire in southwest Washington