Have an Android? Live in an area prone to wildfires? EPA wants to hear from you.
Agency researchers are conducting a study called Smoke Sense to learn how wildland fire smoke affects health and productivity and to develop health risk communication strategies that protect public health during smoke days.
Want to participate in the study? Use the Smoke Sense app, a publicly available mobile application on Google Play Store.
From EPA: "The study will be the first of its kind known to use a mobile application to evaluate health effects from wildland fires experienced by those who participate, and to test whether such an app communicates health risks effectively. Data gathered through Smoke Sense is anticipated to help EPA researchers and communities determine how smoke from fires impacts our health and productivity and gain important insights needed to develop health risk communication methods during smoky days."
Learn more at: https://www.epa.gov/air-research/smoke-sense-study-citizen-science-project-using-mobile-app