From Jackson County Health and Human Services. Flash Report - August 3, 2015 - An Urgent Public Health Activity Report Within Jackson County.
Watch for Unhealthy and Hazardous Smoke Levels In Jackson County
Jackson County health officials and DEQ urge people to watch for unhealthy smoke levels. It is important for people to be observant of the air quality during the wildfire season, smoke levels can rise and fall depending on weather factors including wind direction.
During a wildfire smoke event, Jackson County health officials and DEQ advise
residents to take the following precautions:
- Be aware of smoke concentrations in your area and avoid the places with highest concentrations.
- Avoid smoke either by leaving the area or protecting yourself by staying indoors, and by closing windows and doors
- Avoid strenuous outdoor activity in smoky conditions.
- People exposed to smoky conditions and who suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems should follow their breathing management plans or contact their healthcare providers.
Conduct a visual assessment: People can conduct a visual assessment of nearby
smoke to quickly get a sense of air quality levels. Generally, if you can see up to 15
miles, the air quality is probably good. If you can see less than one mile, the air quality
is very unhealthy and everyone should avoid outdoor activities. Refer to the
descriptions below for more information based on how far you can see in various
- Between 5-15 miles: Air quality is moderate and beginning to deteriorate, and is generally healthy, except possibly for smoke sensitive persons. The general public should avoid prolonged exposure if conditions are smoky to the point where visibility is closer to the 5 mile range.
- If under 5 miles: The air quality is unhealthy for young children, adults over age 65, pregnant women, and people with heart and/or lung disease, asthma or other respiratory illness. These people should minimize outdoor activity.
- If under 3 miles: The air quality is unhealthy for everyone. Young children, adults over age 65, pregnant women, and people with heart and/or lung disease, asthma or other respiratory illness should avoid all outdoor activities.
- If under 1 mile: The air quality is very unhealthy, and in some cases may be hazardous. Everyone should avoid all outdoor activities.
Wildfire Smoke
The content in wildfire smoke varies depending on the type of vegetation that is
burning, the moisture level, fire temperature, wind and other weather related factors,
and the stage of burning. Depending on these variables, wildfire smoke comprises a
complex mixture of particulate matter, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water vapor,
hydrocarbons and other organic chemicals, and various trace minerals. For the general
public, the principal pollutant of concern from wildfire smoke is “particulate matter” —
by which is meant the mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets that is suspended in
the air.
Health Effects Health effects of particulate matter (PM) are related to the particulate size. Airborne
particles of diameter ≤10 μm (PM10) usually irritate only the eyes, nose, and throat.
Particulates from wildfire smoke tend to be of diameter <2.5 μm (PM2.5), so they can
be inhaled deeply into the lungs, causing more substantial health problems, especially
for those with preexisting health conditions. The duration and concentration of smoke
exposure, along with patient age and degree of sensitivity, play an important role in
determining whether or not someone will suffer smoke-related health problems.
Even in healthy individuals, wildfire smoke can cause:
• eye irritation and dryness;
• persistent cough, phlegm, wheezing, scratchy throat, irritated sinus, headache;
• shortness of breath; and
• pulmonary inflammation.
Exposure to wildfire smoke can affect more seriously those with preexisting respiratory
conditions such as respiratory allergies, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD). In addition to the above symptoms, such persons may experience:
• fatigue;
• chest pain or discomfort;
• exacerbation of their respiratory conditions; and
• reductions in lung function.
Other health-related concerns — e.g., carbon monoxide poisoning or increased risk of
cancer —are sometimes surfaced by members of the general public. In general, the
long-term risks from short-term smoke exposures are thought to be low. Urban fire
fighters exposed to smoke over an entire working lifetime have about a three-fold
increased risk of lung cancer. Persons with cardiovascular disease who are exposed
to wildfire smoke may experience chest pain and cardiac arrhythmias with relatively
low levels of carbon monoxide.
Sensitive Populations
Certain population groups may be more sensitive to wildfire smoke exposure. These
individuals may suffer more severe short-term and chronic effects. Groups that are
more sensitive to wildfire smoke exposure include:
• Persons with asthma or other respiratory disease*
• Persons with cardiovascular disease
• Persons ≥65 years of age
• Children, even those without any pre-existing health illness
• Smokers, especially those who have smoked for several years
Reducing Exposure
The safest thing to do is to avoid exposure to the wildfire smoke if possible. Those who
are sensitive to smoke should evacuate the smoky area. For those who cannot
evacuate the smoky area, strategies to decrease exposure to smoke include: staying
indoors whenever possible; using air conditioners on recirculation in homes and when
driving in a vehicle; using mechanical air cleaners; and minimizing other sources of
exposure to airborne particulate matter — such as smoking tobacco, use of woodburning
stoves, burning candles and vacuuming.
Mask or No Mask
During and after a wildfire, you will commonly see masked people around the
community. You might want to know the following about masks: (1) the types of masks
that are available; (2) the level of protection afforded by each type of mask; and, (3)
what to tell your patients about masks.
Wet bandanas covering the mouth, surgical masks, dust masks, and N95 respirators
offer differing levels of protection from wildfire smoke. A wet bandana, and surgical and
dust masks can reduce exposure to large particles from wildfire smoke, but their capacity
to filter PM2.5 is limited; for these reasons, they provide little protection, especially
for those who are most sensitive to wildfire smoke.
N95 respirators are made from filtering material certified by the National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health to remove 95% of fine particulates, but only if the
respirator fits properly. The fit is all-important: if the mask doesn’t fit properly, air with
all its particulate matter gets in around the sides of the mask and is inhaled by the
hapless wearer, perhaps worse off for the false sense of protection. Those who are
erroneously confident in the protective power of their masks may well spend more time
outdoors, thereby increasing their exposure to smoke. To ensure that an N95 mask fits
correctly, an individual must be “fit tested” — something not typically offered along with
an N95 respirator at the local hardware store.
Even healthy adults may find that the increased effort required for breathing makes
wearing an N95 mask difficult and uncomfortable. Wearing a properly fitting mask
necessarily increases resistance to air flow, thereby increasing the work of breathing
and often the heart rate. Therefore, breathing through an N95 mask for a long period
of time poses a theoretical risk for those with preexisting cardiovascular or lung
disease; such persons should attempt to wear an N95 mask only under the supervision
of a clinician.
Be prepared to inform inquisitive patients about the different types of masks, the levels
of protection that they provide, and the pros and the cons of each.
The mission of Jackson County Health and Human Services is to plan, coordinate and
provide public services that protect and promote the health and well-being of county