PNW-1.33km BlueSky Daily Run initialized at 2014-09-17 00Z
Note: This model output does not take into account smoke entering the area from other fires.
Note: This model output does not take into account smoke entering the area from other fires.
Smoke Areas of Highest Concentration valid Wednesday (9/17/14) at 6 pm PDT.
At 6 pm this evening, smoke is modeled to be most dense in the higher elevations of the Mt. Hood National Forest 10-15 miles east and northeast of the fire activity, with light to moderate effects further away to the north and east.
Smoke Areas of Highest Concentration valid Thursday (9/18/14) at 6 am PDT.
By sunrise tomorrow (Thursday), the highest concentrations are modeled to be in and along the drainages local to the primary fire locations.
Smoke Areas of Highest Concentration valid Thursday (9/18/14) at noon PDT.
By noon Thursday, only light smoke impacts to the east-northeast are indicated by the model.